There are websites that have multiple login fields. These websites can be added app manually which is simple and straightforward. Using Add App manually, you can add Apps that have any number of fields.
First, visit the website you would like to add. Make sure that you are on the “Sign in” page of the website.
Now, Click on the LogmeOnce extension menu, and from the pull-down menu, select “Add App Manually”.
A LogMeOnce dialog box will appear.
Now, on the login page of your desired website, you are required to fill in all the fields.
First, You will be required to Click on your username field and type the user name in it. Your username will be displayed in LogmeOnce add App dialog box. Proceed by clicking on Next.
Then, you will be required to add your password in the password field. Once you have added the password, it will be detected by the LogMeOnce dialog box. Click on Next.
After clicking on Next another dialog box will appear. Click on More fields? to add fields other than user name and password, i.e Company Name on this website.
After clicking on that, You will be asked to click on the field and fill it with relevant information. Once you have done that, all of your sign-in credentials will appear in the LogMeOnce dialog box. Proceed by clicking on Next.
After clicking on Next you’ll again receive an option to ‘Remember’, choose that.
Now you have added an App manually, and a dialog is displayed to validate if this app is added properly, if so an App icon will appear on your dashboard screen.
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